Friday, August 04, 2006

Mel Gibson Makes it Big in Iran

Now starring in his own tv spot on Iranian tv: Mel Gibson whose slurs during his drunken driving arrest are being embraced by the Iranian regime! Bombs in Lebanon interwoven with oscars in Hollywood: Mel's the hero of the moment.

He joins a fine tradition of western protestors who burn the American flag and effigies of Bush and Blair. Listen, I love free speech. I crave free speech, but I wouldn't want my protests hijacked by the Iranian regime or any other authoritarian regime. In dissent, I urge people to use symbols of freedom rather than symbols of authoritarianism -- unless, of course, you *do* want to align yourself with the authoritarians.


Anonymous said...

Haha, do they mention he was drunk?

Anonymous said...

Hi, check this out:


Anonymous said...

i just wanted to say thanks for this blog, it is without a doubt one of my favorite sites and i visit almost daily hoping for updates!

so thank you again for giving us a glimpse of your life and a view of a world that we really don't ever get to see here in the states.

as for mel, was there any doubt? if only they knew what mel's dad has said, they would probably bring over and make him a presidential speech writer.
