Iran celebrations
Sorry for the radio silence. I had internet problems and anger management problems.
I have never had so many Christmas invitations before…Brunch here, lunch there, dinner somewhere else… Little plastic Christmas trees, revolutionary guards with kalashnikovs roaming the streets, and snow in the mountains! On Christmas eve, we even had a visit from a skinny Santa Claus.
Last year I wrote that I believe that in the coming 10 years Christmas will become a full-fledged holiday in Iran. This year was even Christmasier than last. Not one of our Christmas invitations has come from a Christian. Iranian state radio even wished Christians a merry Christmas and played Western music. (AN himself used the theme song from Bonanza in his campaign clip)
I love it when Iranian Muslims ask me what is traditional for Christmas: “Chinese food & a movie,” I answer. Of course, they don’t get it…Fortunately another foreigner could answer: “Alcohol.”
In the holiday spirit… here are a couple of jokes:
Iran: humor
A joke:
Bush, Chirac, & AN pay a visit to God to see what’s in store for them in the coming year. First Bush:
“I’m afraid I have bad news for you,” God tells him. “Things are not going to go so well in Iraq. The public is going to lose its faith in you. You’ll have horrible hurricanes one after the other, and the republicans will lose the election.” Bush left crying.
Then Chirac:
“The news for you isn’t so hot either. You’ll have riots in the streets. Thousands of cars will be set on fire, and everyone will blame you.” Chirac, too, leaves crying.
Then AN:
“And what’s in store for my country?” AN asks. God hesitates a moment and then starts crying himself.
Another joke:
In a country where fish fall in love and turtles fly, it’s no wonder a monkey is president.
Oh and more humor...
Blocked on my side, but I bet you guys can read this: "How about transferring Israel to Iran." Hey... I laughed.
nope, I couldn't read that either.
Merry Christmas, I couldn't read your last link either.
To read the article go here.
دوستان عزيز و هموطنان گرامي
دلارا دختر 19 ساله ايراني كه هنگام جرمي كه به او وصله شده فقط 17 سال داشت محكوم به اعدام شده است. ما كه هرگز هر چه اين دم و دستگاه فاسد و پر از رشوه و فاقد صلاحيت رژيم اسلامي به ما مي گويد باور نمي كنيم، چطور مي توانيم حكم دادگاه هايش كه از بيخ فاسدند را بدون كمترين اعتراضي قبول كنيم؟ خواهران و برادران و دوستان و هموطنان ما را به راحتي به قتل مي رسانند وما هيچ نمي گوييم. بياييد تا اين دستگاه رعب و وحشت رژيم را با حمايت و فشار هاي بين المللي از كار بياندازيم تا با ترس كمتري بتوانيم در مقابل اين رژيم فساد و ضد زن و ضد جوان و ضد بشري بايستيم و مقاومت كنيم.
دوستان اين شايد براي ما كه بسياري از اين گونه اعدام ها را ديده ايم و يا در موردش خوانده ايم اين هم يكي ديگر باشد و فردا همه بكار خويش برويم واين يكي هم بد ست فراموشي سپرده شود. اما وجدان خود را چه گونه مي خواهيم آرامش دهيم وقتي مي دانيم كه اين رژيم هموطنان ما را هرگاه كه بخواهد به راحتي جرم هاي بي پايه و بي اساس به آنها مي بندد و به قتل مي رساند؟
پس بياييم و از اين به بعد در مقابل حكم هاي اعدام هموطنانمان ولو اينكه به حكم فاقد صلاحيت رژيم مجرم شناخته شوند اعتراض كنيم.
لطفآ متني را در اين مورد در وبلاگتان قرار دهيد و مرا آگاه كنيد تابا يك حمايت گسترده در اين رابطه براي نجات جان دلاراي احتمالآ بيگناه قدمي مثبت برداشته باشيم. من متني را به انگليسي نوشته ام كه شما- اگر مي خواهيد- مي توانيد در وبلاگتان قرار بدهيد و يا بسليقه خودتان چيزي در اين رابطه بنويسيد و جامعه بين الملل را به حمايت فرا بخوانيد.
موفق باشيد
دوستار شما و دوستار حقوق بشر
Delaraa Darabi, a 19 year young Iranian girl, is sentenced to death by hanging by the Islamic regime’s incompetent courts. She was only 17 at the time of her alleged crime. However, her conviction may well be unsafe and doubtful as at the time, she was led to believe, by her boyfriend and an accomplice, that if she falsely confessed to the killing she would not be sentenced to death as she was under aged and they would both escape the death penalty. We appeal to the international organisations around the globe to intervene to stop this illegal state killing of Delaraa and at least demand a proper retrial of her case in which the entire evidence against her can be properly scrutinised by an experienced advocate and in the event of her being found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, her sentence be replaced with a lesser punishment. Needless to say that the death penalty against persons who committed their crime when under 18 is against the United Nations International Convention on the Rights of the Child. Iran signed that convention nearly 14 years ago and has ratified it.
hello and merry crismas i enjoyed from ur joke
آی لینکد یور وبلاگ این مای وبلاگ مای وبلاگ ابوت کیرگیزستان
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